Our "FOS/TAC-Titration Kit" with electric conductivity (EC) meter

Short description of our Titration Kit for FOS/TAC measurements

Download: Short description FOS/TAC Titration Kit with pictures
(sorry, actually with texts in German only)

Download: Order form "FOS/TAC Titration Kit"

Open Sourced: User Manual and supporting hints for our "FOS/TAC Titration Kit" for all biogas practitioners available

Download: Users Manual FOS/TAC Titration Kit

Download: xls Spreadsheet for automatted calculation and documentation of your FOS/TAC

Do you know exactly, how "hungry" the micro biology in your biogas fermenter actually is?
With our FOS/TAC Titration Kit you will get a daily useful indicator for this!

FOS/TAC Titration Kit: some Pictures

  • pH-Meter
  • Redox-Sonde
  • Eich- und Pflegeset pH-Meter
  • Titrierbürette
  • 5l Titrierlösung
  • 1 l destilliertes Wasser
  • Dosierfläschchen
  • 2 Spritzflaschen
  • Präzisions-Tischwaage
  • Magnet-Rührgerät mit
  • Rührstäbchenentferner
  • 6 Kunststoffbechergläser
  • Haushaltssieb u. Schüssel
  • 100 St. Einweghandschuhe
  • Leitfähigkeitsmessstick
  • Kalibrierlösung
  • Titrieranleitung und

pH-Meter, Pflegeset
und Redoxsonde


mit Zubehör

und Kalibrierlösung

The components "Haushaltssieb und Schüssel" shown above are not longer included in the laboratory kit since 01.08.2015, due to technical reasons of shipping. Our customers are kindly asked to buy those components by themselves to their convenience for completion and for appropriate performance of the titration.

The FOS/TAC-value for your smart daily feed control

To meter the FOS/TAC value daily you will need only an appropriate titration laboratory (like ours) and about 20min/d of time.

Each biogas operator will learn this method easily. If necessary we will support you also in your first practice by phone or even on-site (extra fees, of course).
A comprehensive user manual with all you should know about practicing FOS/TAC is contained in the Kit and should usually leed you through all your learning exercises, as well as an (well layouted for printout) EXCEL computer spreadsheet for easy, automatted calculation of the FOS/TAC values from the measurement values you inserted before.
Available also in English for our foreign customers!

EC (Electric Conductivity) measurement as supplement parameter in biologic process control

EC measurement (in mS) of your biogas substrate supplements the FOS/TAC titration as indicator. Thus, you control the salinification of your substrate (as an approach for the NH4-content in your system) and at same time the danger of inhibitation of the biogas process by rising pH values, and most important, by the increasing amount of most toxic cell poison, ammonia gas (NH3).

How to order? Term of delivery

Just fill in the order form (download is on top of this page), sign it and send it per fax or Email (as scan) to us. As we are using the pdf-form-function, so you can also fill in the data direcctly on your computer and print it out after. This improves the readability!

In case of urgent orders we strongly recommend to first check with us the actual shipping time via Email. Though we do our best to have always one complete FOS/TAC-Titration Kit ready for immediate shipping in stock the currant shipping termes of our gross retailers are up to 4 weeks!

Shipping only by prepaiment!

Due to the actual developments our retail partner decided to deliver the FOS/TAC Titration Kits only by prepaiment! You will receive a proforma-invoice for payment after your order.

Shipping is also possible outside Germany and abroad!

We will also ship the FOS/TAC Titration Kit within EU countries. Only the minor additional shipping costs (usually not more than 20,- EUR) are to be payed extra.
For billing excluding VAT we obligatory need your valid VAT number indicated in your order.

For shipping to non-EU countries we also have to bill all customs expenditures. If this applies: Please ask us by Email before ordering about this additional costs and feasibility of the delivery. Actually we have experiences with export for example to Canada and Switzerland.

We will answer any request for order by email also in English language!

We wish you good success with our "FOS/TAC Titration Kit"!

FOS/TAC Titrierset mit EC-Messung

Ihr eigenes Anlagen-Mini-Labor aus einer Hand!
Praxiserprobt, robust,
optimales Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis.

